We're almost back to normal now. Let's respect people's space and stay outside and well-distanced as far as conveniently possible.
Arrive only if you are in good health; preferably already changed, ready for play; with clean hands and bring and use hand sanitiser (or use that provided) before and after you play.
Take care on the path by the side of the courts. Keep separate when collecting children from group sessions. Avoid high 5s and handshakes except with members of your own household.
Consider maximising ventilation if you're inside for a while: open the roof windows (the switches are on your right as you enter the small room immediately opposite the door - close them again before you leave) and keep the door wide open. Up to 2 people may be in the kitchen: please consume food and drinks outside whenever possible. The changing rooms are available again.
Water bottles are best refilled using the water tap on the outside wall of the Clubhouse, near the Defibrillator. Do not share water bottles with anyone outside your household.